
QA Checks

Manga+Press leverages WordPress’ functionality as much as possible for seamless integration with themes. However, issues can still come up. Download and install the plugin. Test against freely available 3rd party themes, or popular free plugins. Bugs can be documented either through my support form, on the WordPress Forums, or through GitHub. I presently do not support premium themes or plugins.

Bug hunting

If you find a bug and have a fix, please fork the repo on Github and create a pull request describing the bug you found. I’ll review and determine if the fix is safe to merge, or make suggestions on improving it. And yes, you will get props in the next release.

Feature Requests

Feature requests can be submitted here.

Providing i18l support

Finally, the biggest area that help is needed in is multi-language support. Currently, Manga+Press has a Spanish-language version but I am not a native Spanish speaker, and I’m relying on Google Translate, which probably isn’t a good idea. Any help from the community would be greatly appreciated!